Minggu, 18 Oktober 2009

Many Madrasah Damage, Ministry of Islamic Education Prioritize

Director General of Islamic Education Ministry of Religious Affairs, Prof.. Mohammad Ali in Jakarta, Tuesday, say, to improve facilities and infrastructure is needed around Rp 117 billion. The fund is to rebuild the boarding school buildings and educational diniyah, Raudhatul atfal (RA), primary school madrassa (MI), madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs), Madrasah Aliyah (MA), and religious colleges in the third damaged area.

Based on data obtained MORA, for boarding schools and educational diniyyah, in West Java, there are 115 buildings damaged and as many as 41 West Sumatra. While as many as 7 RA damaged classrooms in West Java, and 35 classrooms in West Sumatera. For MI, damaged as many as 281 classrooms in West Java, Jambi 4 classrooms, and West Sumatra 161 classrooms.

According to Ali, to finance the reconstruction has been allocated from the State Budget (Revenue Expenditure Budget) in 2009 and 2010 budget, including aid from donor countries or agencies.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA) will rehabilitate educational facilities destroyed by the earthquake in West Sumatra (West Sumatra), West Java, and Jambi. [dep/post/cha/www.hidayatullah.com]

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